The second classmates blog I read was Fran's on social media. She discussed how not even knowing it, everyone that is on social media networks throughout the day such as Facebook and Twitter, are conducting unobtrusive research. For example, I lost my phone a week or two back and had no way to get a hold of my friends to see what they were doing. However, any chance I had, I checked my Twitter and Facebook accounts to see what was going on, and what everyone was up to for the weekend. In addition, we are able to see what movie and sport celebrities are up to on a daily basis if they use Twitter. As Fran mentioned, we can follow our favorite celebrities and get updates to what they are doing, what they like, or how they feel about something. I follow actor Jeremy Piven, also know as Ari Gold on the HBO Series Entourage. In his last tweet he said "Some people have to bungie jump in port-a-potties to make a living...." referring to the movie Jackass which debuts Friday.
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